Research Themes

In ODART project, 4 priority work streams are identified concerned with the procurement / development, testing, evaluation and roll-out of technological drug-death prevention solutions:

  1. A solution to detect onset of overdose and alert a responsible person to administer first aid and naloxone and liaise with the Scottish Ambulance Service to request emergency care and provide information to support an optimal clinical response. 
  • An Overdose First Responder software application solution that bystanders who witness a suspected overdose can use to alert (1) trained first responders in the locality to attend and administer first aid and naloxone and (2) alert the Scottish Ambulance Service to dispatch a paramedic and liaise with the bystander/first responder. 
  • Community provision of ‘Naloxboxes’ which are publicly accessible boxes containing naloxone, instructions for its effective administration and appropriate first aid.  These are the drug overdose equivalent of community defibrillators and would be located in areas with high prevalence of opiate overdoses and/or public injecting. 
  • Development of remote addiction consultations including: consensus among Scottish Addiction health and care providers on the most appropriate system(s), protocols for delivery of care, engagement with associated services.